Georgia, a country that stands up for the protection of traditional values.

Georgia, a country that stands up for the protection of traditional values.

Georgia’s parliament passes bills to ban LGBT propaganda

On Thursday, Georgia’s parliament passed bills to ban LGBT propaganda in first reading. A total of 78 members of the majority coalition in the legislature voted in favor of the package of bills entitled “On the Protection of Family Values and Minors.” It contains 19 laws and also provides for changes to several existing legal norms and the Labor Code.

With the new regulations, parliament wants to prohibit the registration of any relationship – except marriage between a man and a woman – as stipulated by a constitutional amendment in 2017. Same-sex partners should be prohibited from adopting children. All medical interventions for the purpose of gender reassignment would thus be prohibited. If such an operation had been carried out abroad, “genetic sex” would have to be indicated in all official documents issued by Georgian authorities.

The ban also covers any propaganda on the subject of LGBT in the mass media and educational institutions. Corresponding content in fiction and film art would be removed from private or state television and radio channels, as well as from libraries and exhibition spaces.

All rallies, demonstrations and manifestations that serve LGBT propaganda would be banned. State or private institutions would then not be allowed to introduce bans or obligations aimed at “the equalization of a person’s biological sex”. For example, the use of the terms “father” and “mother” would not be discouraged.


Conclusion: Sovereignty, freedom and prosperity – living independently

When the government of a country follows a course that runs counter to its own ideas and values, when it restricts civil liberties and promotes paternalism instead of personal responsibility, one is faced with a difficult decision: adaptation or resistance?

We help you to move to Georgia or any other Country

1. Adaptation:
Accepting the path set by the government and hoping for a change of course that corresponds to the interests of the people can be seen as a laborious and lengthy process. It requires patience, perseverance and belief in the possibility of positive change.

2. Resistance:
Actively resisting and standing up for your rights and freedoms is a brave step, but one that can be associated with challenges and risks. It requires commitment, determination and the willingness to stand up for your own beliefs.

Deciding to live a free life:
Regardless of the option you choose, it is important to maintain your own sovereignty and ability to act. This also includes the possibility of looking for alternative life models and opportunities.

Our support:
If you decide to make a fresh start in another country, we are happy to advise you. We will help you find a country that meets your needs and ideas and support you in preserving assets, optimizing your taxes and integrating into your new home.

Your path to a self-determined life:
The decision to adapt or resist, to stay or to start anew is up to each individual. It is important to know your own values and goals, to find out about the respective options and to make a decision that is in line with a self-determined and fulfilling life.

With our support, you can realize your dream of a life of freedom, sovereignty and prosperity.

We’ve helped hundreds of people move their businesses overseas, legally reduce their taxes, and become dual citizens. We are focused on high-net-worth individuals and their families as well as corporations wishing to invest their offshore companies or even secure their wealth in offshore financial centers around the world. We will help you to find the best solution for setting up an offshore or onshore company. Another special area of our full-service consulting is the investment opportunity and solution in Europe, especially in the Balkans, Africa, Asia, UAE, the Caribbean and the Pacific.

If you are looking for it, please feel free to contact us. We create a holistic plan that serves your purpose.
TCME – Group worldwide is a leading professional International Business Investment and Advisory Firm for Foreign Economic Relations, with 17th. departments in different Countries around the world and the Headquarter in Malaysia.

GCI UNIT Worldwide, designs and implements customized, holistic strategies for successful investors and entrepreneurs to legally reduce their tax bills, diversify and protect their wealth, invest abroad, gain a second citizenship and live a freer life worldwide to lead.


GCI Unit Worldwide firm is a professional International Business Investment and Advisory Firm for Foreign Economic Relations. Our range of services includes:

• Offshore and Onshore Company Formation,
• executive Search,
• IT & Cyber Security Protection
• African Gold & Diamonds
• international Business & Management
• Citizenship & Residency
• Investments & Corporate Financing
• Mining and Trading
• Advisory for Foreign Economic Relationship
• Diplomatic Consultancy & Public Affairs

If you would like to discuss your internationalization and diversification plans, book a consulting session* or email us under: [email protected]

*A counseling session is a conversation about your portfolio and goals. It does not constitute legal, financial, tax or investment advice.

Department GCI – Unit Global Citizenship Investment (GCI Unit worldwide)
Level 33, Ilham Tower, 8 Jalan Binjai,
Kuala Lumpur 50450, Malaysia
Phone: +66 99091 8357 also for WhatsApp
