With the decision published on 19.09.2018 on the Turkish Official Gazette, some regulations regarding the transition of foreigners to Turkish citizenship changed. Turkish citizenship will be given directly to foreigners who buy at least 250.000 USD real estate in Turkey.
Or deposited 500.000 USD in Turkish banks. Both transactions will keep it for three years. People who have invested at least 500.000 USD in fixed capital in one of the Turkish Banks.
Why do we share this with you ?:
Turkey is not an EU candidate country. It will probably never come to EU membership, the same as with Moldova.
But, we have many inquiries from Muslim customers looking for a Muslim state to start over there.
Furthermore, we have problems with nationalities such as Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and others, which are not accepted by many countries. Turkey is open to these nationalities.
Turkey offers the investment in Real Estates, in Moldova it is a donation, almost at the same level. However, with Moldova Passport visa you can freely travel to all Schengen countries. This does not work with the Turkish passport!
Price is:
Real Estates Investment 250,000 USD plus 6% Tax extra
(sellable after 3 years)
or Bank investment 500,000 USD for 3 years. Annual profit 2.5%
You might buy several properties which have total value more than 250.000 USD. You need to apply at the same time for all. Tapu office accepts citizenship applications if the declared values are above 250.000 USD.
The ministry verifies if the value declared on Title Deed correct and above 250.000 USD with sworn appraisers. All the property value should be paid by bank transfer to the Property Sellers.
It takes time between 3 months. In processing t覺me Residence permit is granted to you and your family. Government is eager to reduce time. Turkish laws allow dual or multiple citizenships. the citizenship approval is contingent upon verification from archive records of national security units that the applicant poses no threat to national security
You can apply over us, GCI UNIT Turkey
Our Advisor and Lawyer Fee is including translation and Passport Fee 30.000 USD. The due diligence Fee are
7.000 USD Main Application and 4.000 USD spouse and each member
Main Steps for Turkish Citizenship by Investment
1. Open a Bank Account: An account should be opened in a Turkish bank in the name of the investor.
2. Make an Investment: Carry out the necessary investment transactions such as property title deed transfer, cash deposit, government bond/share purchase etc.
3. Residence Permit Application: Applicants are required to hold a valid residence permit at the time of citizenship application. Nevertheless, permit holders can continue to live abroad as long as they wish.
4. Turkish Citizenship Application: After obtaining your residence permit, you can apply for Turkish citizenship immediately. A physical presence or interview is not required during the application process.
Benefits of Turkish Citizenship
• Your wife / husband and children under 18 years old can acquire citizenship together with you at the same time.
• When you apply for citizenship, you are not required to declare your assets or income that you currently have in other countries.
• You do not have to have lived continuously in Turkey for a certain period to become eligible for citizenship. You can continue to live abroad and apply for citizenship as soon as you get the residence permit.
• You can travel to many countries without the need to follow a cumbersome visa application process.
• Many of these countries allow Turkish citizens to stay 30 to 90 days without any visa requirement and also some countries grant visas upon arrival or issue electronic visas upon online application.
• The Visa Liberalization Dialogue, the aim of which is to grant Turkish citizens visa-free travel right to Schengen countries, between Turkey and the EU, was launched in 2013. Once achieved, further 26 European
countries will be added to the list of 102 countries where Turkish citizens can already travel freely.
Required Documents
• Nomination Form
• Valid Passport (certified copy)
• Identity Card (certified copy)
• Police certificate from state of origin
• Personal Profile (include education and employment history)
• Medical Certificate
• 6 x colour photos (40mm x 50mm)
• Asset report
• One of the following: Employment certification/Bank Reference/Professional
• reference/Academic certification
• Residence permit or valid Touristic Visa on your passport
• Nomination Form
• Valid Passport (certified copy)
• Identity Card (certified copy)
• Police certificate from state of origin
• Marriage certificate (notarized copy)
• Medical Certificate
• 6 x colour photos (40mm x 50mm)
Our Services
The above fee includes all of the following services:
• Advice and assistance during the initial residence application
• Assistance in the search for adequate housing
• Initial pre-immigration tax advice
• Direct access to the various authorities
• Assistance with opening bank accounts in Turkey
• Liaison with all local and government authorities
• Submission of the application to the relevant government authorities
• Advice and assistance regarding local accommodation and related formalities
• Assistance with the registration in the municipality
• Advice and assistance during all renewals of the temporary residence permit
• Assistance with obtaining a permanent residence permit
• Advice and assistance with the citizenship application
• Follow-up of the citizenship application
• Assistance with the passport application
With the Turkey Passport you can travel visa freely to 102 countries! Inclusive to Russia, Singapore and Malaysia.
offers citizenship through investment in Real Estates!
Is not an EU candidate and will never become a full EU member, like Moldova!
visa freely to 102 countries! Inclusive to Russia, Singapore and Malaysia.
No nationality restriction Also Muslim state!
Better economic than Moldova, and far more beautiful landscape as well as sea.
Processing time for Citizenship 3-6 months