China and the growing role

China and the growing role

The 19th annual meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) in Beijing at the end of May this year was marked by the Israeli genocide supported by Washington and the collective West and the mass murder of tens of thousands of children and civilians in Gaza. The CASCF is a formal dialogue initiative between China and the Arab League established in 2004.

The strengthening of China-Arab relations was particularly evident at the “8th Senior Officials-Level Strategic Political Dialogue Meeting” held in parallel to the forum. These talks took place against the backdrop of the pervasive geopolitical shifts in the Middle East, the looming defeat of the US/NATO/EU in the Ukraine war and the increasing US threats of a trade war, but also of a hot war against China.

At the Cooperation Forum, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized China’s commitment to a partnership for peace and stability and called for a Middle East Peace Conference. Previous talks had already produced a consensus between the Arab and Chinese on the disaster in Gaza, with China supporting the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state.

The forum was attended by leading politicians from Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Tunisia. In addition, China and Russia have positioned themselves as leaders of the BRICS, which now includes the UAE and Egypt, and Saudi Arabia has also been invited.

The Arab states have supported China’s peace plan for Ukraine more than Western proposals. At the same time, Saudi Arabia has proposed the People’s Republic of China as an important mediator for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Closer political relations are of course – how could it be otherwise – put on a solid foundation by good, mutually beneficial economic relations. This is also the case in China’s relationship with the Arab states. Here are some examples of the economic basis of the Arab-Chinese rapprochement:

China sources more than a third of its oil from six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, with only Russia supplying more than Saudi Arabia (85.9 million tons in 2023). A significant portion of Saudi-Chinese oil trade is settled in “petro-yuan,” which Silk Road Fund Chairman Zhu Lun said is due to the “geopolitical risks” associated with the dollar.

De-dollarization and expanding Arab-Chinese trade to the non-energy sector were the goals Xi set out during his visit to Riyadh in December 2022. At the just-concluded forum in Beijing, he called for more joint Arab-Chinese investments in AI and green technologies.

In June 2023, Riyadh signed a $5.6 billion agreement with a Chinese electric car manufacturer to establish a joint venture in Saudi Arabia.

Xi proposed setting up a “joint space debris observation center” and working with Arab countries to develop space planes for scientific and passenger flights, which Saudi Arabia hopes will represent a technological quantum leap.

Back in Beijing at the Cooperation Forum, China signed cooperation agreements with all 22 Arab countries and the Arab League for over 200 major projects under the Silk Road program, which will benefit nearly two billion people. At the same time, it became clear at the forum meeting in Beijing that China expects diplomatic support from the Arab states on the Taiwan issue.

In summary, the Middle East is gradually slipping out of Washington’s stranglehold.

Meanwhile, the war-mongering elites in Washington, in their megalomaniacal arrogance, had completely ignored the Arab countries’ long-simmering dissatisfaction with the US dictatorship. The Americans, for example, were firmly convinced that the Saudi royal family would not be able to survive without US protection, both because of domestic political problems and because of the alleged evil intentions of their Iranian neighbor. At the same time, Washington had done everything it could to stoke tensions between Riyadh and Tehran, which made Saudi Arabia even more dependent on US protection. This strengthened Washington’s illusion that it could boss the proud feudal lords in Riyadh around, as the emperor of Rome did with his vassals during the heyday of the Roman Empire.

China, together with Russia, in particular, thwarted this by successfully mediating between Saudi Arabia and Iran, to the horror of the USA, so that now both countries understand each other again, have exchanged diplomatic messages again and both are now members of the BRICS+ community. At the same time, Saudi Arabia is coordinating closely with Russia on issues of oil production in order to maintain stable, high prices in OPEC+.

The best proof of the hubris of the US elites, who seem to have lost all touch with reality and only believe in their own propaganda, was an article published by President Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, a week before October 7th last year. So a week before the day of the bloody Hamas breakout from the Israeli “prison camp” Gaza with 1,300 dead Israeli soldiers and civilians, Sullivan wrote how beautiful and calm the Middle East was and how this enabled the USA to control things in other regions, such as the Middle East. B. in Ukraine or the Indo-Pacific.

The irrational Israeli overreaction to the Hamas attack on the population of Gaza (currently over 37,000 dead) and the massive political and military support of the Israeli genocide and the mass murder of tens of thousands of children and civilians by Washington, but also by Berlin, have caused enormous diplomatic and economic damage to the USA and Germany worldwide, especially in the Middle East. A few months ago, the Financial Times quoted a Western diplomat who, in light of what is happening in Gaza, said

“that the Global South will never listen to us again when we talk about Russia and Ukraine or about human rights”.


The Global South has probably stopped listening to the West for a long time. But now, after the events of October 7, the West, which has always liked to condemn other countries as a moralizer and model democrat, has provided living proof of its own abhorrent and treacherous double-speak. The US/NATO/EU propaganda lies may still work on indoctrinated Western populations, especially in the US, UK and Germany, but they no longer work in the rest of the world.

The US and the West as a whole have lost the rest of the world and can no longer bully it and demand protection money as they once did. Russia and China have shown the countries of the world that there is another way, for example with the reconciliation of the two alleged Islamic arch-enemies Iran and Saudi Arabia. Only the US has benefited from their decades-long enmity. Saudi fear of Iran has enabled Washington to sell expensive US weapons to the Saudis on the one hand, and to control the level of Saudi oil production according to US priorities on the other, and – not least – to insist that the Saudis only sell their oil internationally for US dollars, which has enormously strengthened its position in the world monetary system.

It is not only since the disaster in Gaza that resistance in the important oil-producing Arab countries has grown against US nagging and arbitrariness. But Gaza has accelerated this anti-Western development and given it a broad foundation through the support of the entire population of the Arab world.

Even long-standing US allies such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are fed up of being bullied by the USA. They have all joined the large anti-Western movement of the BRICS+ led by China and Russia. Nobody is intimidated by the USA anymore. An example of this is the Houthis in Yemen, who for months have been firing missiles at Western ships that have something to do with Israel or that belong to an Israeli supporting state. They want to use this to support the Palestinians in their fight against Israel. A few days ago the Houthis even fired missiles at a US aircraft carrier in the Red Sea, and neither the USA nor the collective West are currently able to do anything about it.



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