Nauru Citizenship Program 2025
Nauru Citizenship Program 2025

Following the example of other countries such as Vanuatu and St. Kitts and Nevis, Nauru has decided to launch its own CBI, the Nauru Economic and Climate Resilience Citizenship Program (NECRCP). Let’s look at the requirements for obtaining this passport:
“The Nauru Economic and Climate Resilience Citizenship Program (NECRCP) offers wealthy individuals the opportunity to acquire Nauruan citizenship by investing in sustainable development projects on the island. In return, they receive a Nauruan passport and thus access to a variety of visa-free travel destinations.
The investments are intended to help strengthen the island nation’s resilience to the effects of climate change, particularly through the development of renewable energies and the protection of coastal regions. Critics, however, complain that the effectiveness of these measures has not yet been conclusively proven and that the program may primarily serve to raise much-needed funds.”
They probably approved this CBI to increase foreign direct investment while capitalizing on the climate narrative.
While these projects aim to rebuild Nauru and promote self-sufficiency in food, energy and water, we don’t yet know if the money will be used for these purposes. Other citizenship by investment programs offer physical assets such as real estate, but Nauru offers its passport in exchange for donations, so investors do not receive a return on investment.
Eligibility Requirements:
To participate in the Nauru Economic and Climate Resilience Citizenship Program, the following requirements must be met:
• Age of majority: Applicants must be 18 years or older.
• Good character: A clean record is expected.
• Financial capacity: Proof of legal origin of the investment amount is required.
• Personal interview: A personal interview with the relevant authorities will be held to verify the information.
• Declaration of loyalty: A solemn commitment to loyalty to Nauru must be made.
The NECRCP requires a financial contribution to Nauru’s Treasury Fund, with the amount of the investment depending on the applicant’s family size:
Single applicant: $105,000
Family of two to four members: $110,000
Family of five or more: $115,000
Additional siblings or their spouses: $15,000
Additional costs include:
Application fees: $25,000-$30,000
Due diligence fees: $10,000 per lead applicant and $7,500 per additional family member aged 16 years or over
Passport fee: $500 per passport
Applications for the NECRCP must be submitted through agents authorized by the Nauruan government. The government can revoke citizenship if it was obtained through fraud, bribery or false statements. Other situations that can lead to revocation of citizenship include sexual crimes, terrorism or money laundering.
The Nauru passport does offer the opportunity to travel to Russia, Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates without a visa. However, the list of countries for which this passport offers benefits is limited to just 89 countries compared to other citizenship programs.
Moving to the small Pacific island of 20 km2 and 12,000 inhabitants is not an attractive option for most people. Instead, the money invested could be better used in projects that promote education, health or environmental protection, for example. It is questionable whether buying a Nauru passport, which primarily serves to plug a financial hole in the state’s coffers, is ethical.”
If you want to donate, do something good, we are happy to help show you other options that, in our opinion, are far better. OR…. you invest in Vanuatu and get for the same price a better passport and have your Plan B, to live there.
History of Nauru
Since you probably don’t know much about this island nation, let’s briefly go into its recent history. You will be shocked at how important this country has been to the world economy.
Nauru, an island more than 4,000 kilometers from Sydney, gained independence in 1968 after years of German, Australian, New Zealand and British rule. A few years later, the country turned to mining and selling phosphate, a natural resource used in fertilizers. This important resource helped the economy to boom so much that Nauru had one of the highest per capita incomes in the world for a time. However, when the phosphate reserves were exhausted, the country faces a harsh reality: uninhabitable land and a lack of economic diversification.
Nauru is a prime example of the “resource curse.” Over-dependence on phosphate and failed foreign banks, hospitality and even a musical project led to an even greater economic decline. Today, most products are imported, especially from Australia, which increases the cost of living. To make matters worse, Nauru has the highest obesity rate per capita in the world due to excessive consumption of processed foods.
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