The Cayman Islands – two residency options!

The Cayman Islands – two residency options!

Living in the Cayman Islands: Exclusive residency options

The Cayman Islands, known for turquoise waters, white sandy beaches and a robust economic system, attract wealthy investors and entrepreneurs with two attractive residency options:

1. Permanent residence through real estate investment:

Certificate of Permanent Residence for Persons with Own Property (PR):

Investment: Minimum investment of US$2.44 million (KYD 2 million) in developed properties.

Residence status:
Lifetime residence permit for the holder and his or her spouse.

Path to British citizenship:
Possibility of applying for British citizenship after naturalizing as a citizen of the British Overseas Territories and obtaining a British Overseas Territories (Cayman Islands) passport.

Full British passports available within six years of initial grant of PR.


2. Extended stay due to setting up a company:

Residence permit as part of a Substantial Business Presence (SBP):

Occupation: Senior management position in a recognized company.
Fee: Annual usage fee of at least US$25,000 (KYD 20,925) to the government.

Residence status: 25-year residence permit for the holder and his family.

Path to British citizenship:
After eight years of residence and meeting criteria in the points system (employment, qualifications, etc.) there is the possibility of permanent residence and after a further year of British citizenship.
Timeframe: Full British passports available within ten years of initial SBP grant.

Benefits of the SBP program:

Simplicity: No renewal applications or licensing requirements.
No real estate investment: No obligation to make private or commercial real estate investments or to rent commercial space.

Ability to work from home and relocate global operations to the Cayman Islands.
Attractiveness for family offices: Easy to move and establish the family office in the Cayman Islands.


The Cayman Islands offers an ideal environment for both investors looking for a new home and entrepreneurs looking to expand their business opportunities. The two residency options, PR and SBP, allow individual needs and goals to be met.

Additional Information:

Both options require a good reputation and sufficient financial resources.
Applying for PR and SBP requires the assistance of a qualified attorney or advisor.
For more information about the programs and specific requirements, please call us!

If you’re thinking about leaving the country but don’t know where to start, our GCI UNT Worldwide team is here to help.

We’ve helped hundreds of people move their businesses overseas, legally reduce their taxes, and become dual citizens. We are focused on high-net-worth individuals and their families as well as corporations wishing to invest their offshore companies or even secure their wealth in offshore financial centers around the world. We will help you to find the best solution for setting up an offshore or onshore company. Another special area of our full-service consulting is the investment opportunity and solution in Europe, especially in the Balkans, Africa, Asia, UAE, the Caribbean and the Pacific.

If you are looking for it, please feel free to contact us. We create a holistic plan that serves your purpose.
TCME – Group worldwide is a leading professional International Business Investment and Advisory Firm for Foreign Economic Relations, with 17th. departments in different Countries around the world and the Headquarter in Malaysia.

GCI UNIT Worldwide, designs and implements customized, holistic strategies for successful investors and entrepreneurs to legally reduce their tax bills, diversify and protect their wealth, invest abroad, gain a second citizenship and live a freer life worldwide to lead.


GCI Unit Worldwide firm is a professional International Business Investment and Advisory Firm for Foreign Economic Relations. Our range of services includes:

• Offshore and Onshore Company Formation,
• executive Search,
• IT & Cyber Security Protection
• African Gold & Diamonds
• international Business & Management
• Citizenship & Residency
• Investments & Corporate Financing
• Mining and Trading
• Advisory for Foreign Economic Relationship
• Diplomatic Consultancy & Public Affairs

If you would like to discuss your internationalization and diversification plans, book a consulting session* or email us under: [email protected]

*A counseling session is a conversation about your portfolio and goals. It does not constitute legal, financial, tax or investment advice.

Department GCI – Unit Global Citizenship Investment (GCI Unit worldwide)
by TCME Worldwide Group – Global Investments –
Level 33, Ilham Tower, 8 Jalan Binjai,
Kuala Lumpur 50450, Malaysia
Phone: +66 99091 8357 also for WhatsApp
