The future that the elite promises us: You have nothing but will be happy
The future that the elite promises us: You have nothing but will be happy

Cities of the future: A life without freedom and self-determination?
The statement “You will have nothing, but you will be happy” has been circulating in the media for a long time. It is often associated with the elite, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF). But what exactly is behind this statement?
The other side of the coin:
While the elite preach to us that we should give up material possessions in order to be happy, they themselves continue to accumulate wealth and power. They jet off to their exclusive meetings in private jets, while we are deprived of the freedom to live independently and are still supposed to pay attention to our carbon footprint.
For a few, a dream will certainly come true:
So, if you belong to the climate gluers, climate activists and believers in the fantasized world climate catastrophe or other groups, ideally the complete LGBT mental illness sect, your dream will come true in 2030, should it these goals are achieved.
The 2030 Agenda, adopted by the United Nations, includes various goals such as combating climate change and promoting sustainability. Proponents of the 2030 Agenda see it as an opportunity to make the world a better place. Critics, on the other hand, warn of paternalism for citizens and a loss of freedom and self-determination.
Cities of the future: A life without freedom and self-determination?
The WHO and some cities have already signed agreements to build “15-minute cities.” In these cities, everything is controlled: from food to transportation. We have listed the list of cities below.

Alternatives for those who think differently:
Countries such as Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania or Russia, Georgia, Slovakia, the Caribbean islands and Vanuatu are skeptical about the 2030 Agenda and therefore offer an alternative for people who reject this development.
Our range:
We would be happy to help you find a new home in a country that matches your values and needs. Whether it is about applying for a residence permit or obtaining citizenship, we are here to help and advise you.
Decide for yourself how you want to live!
The future that the elite promises us is not the future we want for everyone. Don’t let yourself be patronized and decide for yourself how you want to live. In the countries mentioned above you will find freedom, self-determination and the opportunity to create your own lifestyle.
A notice:
It is important to consider different perspectives and critically engage with the information that is presented to us. The decision whether to agree to the 2030 Agenda or not should be made on a well-founded basis of information.
The full list of cities that have joined the program can be found on the official C40 website.
Amsterdam, Niederlande
Athen, Griechenland
Barcelona, Spanien
Berlin, Deutschland
Kopenhagen, Dänemark
Heidelberg, Deutschland
Istanbul, Türkei
Lissabon, Portugal
London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Madrid, Spanien
Mailand, Italien
Oslo, Norwegen
Paris, Frankreich
Rom, Italien
Rotterdam, Niederlande
Stockholm, Schweden
Tel Aviv – Yafo, Israel
Warschau, Polen
Auckland, Neuseeland
Bangkok, Thailand
Hanoi, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Stadt, Vietnam
Jakarta, Indonesien
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Melbourne, Australien
Quezon City, Philippinen
Seoul, Republik Korea
Singapur, Singapur
Sydney, Australien
Tokyo, Japan
Yokohama, Japan
Peking, China
Chengdu, China
Dalian, China
Fuzhou, China
Guangzhou, China
Hangzhou, China
Hong Kong, China
Nanjing, China
Qingdao, China
Shanghai, China
Shenzhen, China
Wuhan, China
Zhenjiang, China
Ahmedabad, Indien
Amman, Jordanien
Bengaluru, Indien
Chennai, Indien
Delhi NCT, Indien
Dhaka (Nord und Süd), Bangladesch
Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Karachi, Pakistan
Kalkutta, Indien
Mumbai, Indien
Bogota Kolumbien
Buenos Aires, Argentinien
Curitiba, Brasilien
Guadalajara, Mexiko
Lima, Peru
Medellín, Kolumbien
Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
Quito, Ecuador
Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
Salvador, Brasilien
Santiago, Chile
Sao Paulo, Brasilien
Austin, Vereinigte Staaten
Boston, Vereinigte Staaten
Chicago, Vereinigte Staaten
Houston, Vereinigte Staaten
Los Angeles, Vereinigte Staaten
Miami, Vereinigte Staaten
Montreal Kanada
New Orleans, Vereinigte Staaten
New York City, Vereinigte Staaten
Philadelphia, Vereinigte Staaten
Phoenix, Vereinigte Staaten
Portland, Vereinigte Staaten
San Francisco, Vereinigte Staaten
Seattle, Vereinigte Staaten
Toronto Kanada
Vancouver, Kanada
Washington, D.C., Vereinigte Staaten
Abidjan, Elfenbeinküste
Accra Ghana
Addis Abeba, Äthiopien
Kapstadt, Süd Afrika
Dakar, Senegal
Daressalam, Tansania
Durban (eThekwini), Südafrika
Ekurhuleni, Südafrika
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Johannesburg, Südafrika
Lagos, Nigeria
Nairobi, Kenia
Tshwane, Südafrika
If you have further questions about the tax haven or would like to find out more about the respective residence permits or citizenship programs in general, please contact us and arrange a consultation.
TCME – Group worldwide is a leading professional international foreign trade relations investment and consulting firm, with 17 different departments spread in different countries around the world, with its head office in Malaysia.
We’ve helped thousands of people take their businesses abroad, legally reduce their taxes, and become dual citizens. We focus on high-net-worth individuals and their families as well as businesses, where we design and implement bespoke, holistic strategies for successful investors and entrepreneurs to legally reduce their tax burden, diversify and protect their wealth, invest abroad, a second citizenship and to live a freer life worldwide.
Another special area of our full-service consulting is the investment opportunity and solution in Europe, especially in the Balkans, Africa, Asia, the United Arab Emirates, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
Our legal team and our 200+ multi-disciplinary team have more than 25 years of global experience in the different Consulting Areas. Governments as well as the super-rich trust in our expertise in consulting. If you are looking for it, please feel free to contact us. We create a holistic plan that serves your purpose.
Our range of services includes:
• Offshore and Onshore Company Formation,
• executive Search,
• IT & Cyber Security Protection
• international Business & Management Consulting
• Citizenship & Residency
• Investments & Corporate Financing
• Mining and Trading
• Advisory for Foreign Economic Relationship
• Diplomatic Consultancy & Public Affairs
If you would like to discuss your internationalization and diversification plans, book a consulting session* or email us under: [email protected]
*A counseling session is a conversation about your portfolio and goals. It does not constitute legal, financial, tax or investment advice.
TCME Worldwide Group – Global Investments –
Level 33, Ilham Tower, 8 Jalan Binjai,
Kuala Lumpur 50450, Malaysia
Phone: +66 99091 8357 also for WhatsApp
[email protected]