Citizenship by Investment Uruguay
Introduction If you are looking for safety and low taxes, there are not many countries in the Americas that offer both. However, there are a few, including Uruguay. Residence Central and South America are often among the easiest places to obtain residency, and for good reason. For example, Panama's Friendly Nations [...]
Vanuatu Citizenship holders allowed to apply for Australia Visa (PEV)
Subclass 192 - Pacific Engagement Visa (PEV) The Australian Government has committed to implementing the Pacific Engagement visa (PEV). This is a new permanent resident visa program for nationals of participating Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste. Boosting Pacific permanent migration to Australia is an essential part of our plan to deepen [...]
Now its comes: Corporate tax of 9% in the UAE from 2024!
The introduction of a corporate tax in the United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a global center for business and finance. The strategic implementation of the laws in the country has attracted a large number of investors over the years, who now have long-standing businesses in the region. [...]
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak becomes a Serbian citizen
Serbia recognizes the contribution of the technology pioneer BELGRADE, Serbia – Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced on Wednesday that Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak will receive Serbian citizenship. Wozniak, who co-founded Apple with Steve Jobs in 1976, is a globally recognized technology pioneer. He is considered one of the fathers of the [...]
13 places to retreat in times of uncertainty
In recent years, we have often heard questions from our clients in our company about what alternative plan is available if they want to flee political instability in their country or cannot identify with the current political situation. Another important factor is tax optimization and securing your assets. Some of our [...]
Entwicklung der RCBI-Landschaft: Neue Trends im Fokus
Die Landschaft der Residency and Citizenship by Investment (RCBI)-Programme befindet sich in einem ständigen Wandel auf globaler Ebene. Einige der aktuellen Entwicklungen und Trends umfassen: Diversifikation der Portfolios von wohlhabenden Investoren durch Anlegervisa und Staatsbürgerschaft Im Zuge der zunehmenden Globalisierung und der Suche nach Bewegungsfreiheit und Sicherheit sind vermögende Privatpersonen (High [...]
Residency Program (RBI) vs Citizenship by Investment Program (CBI)
Die Bereiche, in denen sich die Programme für "Aufenthalts- und Staatsbürgerschaft durch Investitionen" (RCBI) entwickeln, umfassen weltweites Interesse, Regulierung und Vorschriften, regionalen Wettbewerb und die Vielfalt der verfügbaren Optionen. Doch was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Aufenthalts- und Staatsbürgerschaftsprogrammen? Länder führen Aufenthaltsvisa und Staatsbürgerschaftsprogramme ein, um ihre Wirtschaft anzukurbeln, indem sie ausländische [...]
Vanuatu: Sato Kilman is replaced by former Prime Minister Charlot Salwai
Vanuatu has named former head of state Charlot Salwai as the country's new leader after parliament approved a no-confidence motion to remove Prime Minister Sato Kilman. Members of Parliament unanimously supported Mr Salwai's election after Mr Kilman's government walked out of Friday's parliamentary session in protest. Support for Mr Kilman waned [...]
The Mauritius Residence by Investment program
Experts often emphasize that Africa is viewed as a continent of the future, especially when compared to developments in the United States and Western Europe. A truly breathtaking place on our planet is the island of Mauritius, which is located about 2000 kilometers off the coast of Madagascar and is considered [...]
Government of Germany and Europe plan expropriations “You will have nothing but be happy”
"You will have nothing but be happy" Expropriations could possibly be imminent in Germany, possibly as early as 2024, if one interprets the first indications from the federal government. Still, many people don't take these warnings seriously enough. Common reactions are "this only affects the wealthy" or "it affects the right [...]
Access to Malaysia’s investment migration programs
Investment based migration opportunities in Malaysia Malaysia now offers two investment-based programs that offer foreign nationals the opportunity to come to the country: The Premium Visa Program (PVIP) and the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) program. Both programs grant temporary residency permits with different validity periods. While MM2H was temporarily suspended [...]
Thailand plans to redesign its elite visa program by October 2023.
The current elite visa of Thailand, advertised as "Exclusive Entry to Thailand", will soon undergo significant changes. This special visa grants foreign investors long-term visas for repeated trips to the Southeast Asian country. Prices for these visa packages start from as little as 600,000 THB (about US$17,000). During the revision, it [...]
Excellence Mr. Sato Kilman was re-elected Prime Minister of Vanuatu in 2023
(Archiv Picture from 2019 with China) Vanuatu wählte den erfahrenen Premierminister Sato Kilman, der dieses Amt bereits viermal innehatte, als neuen Premierminister erneut, nachdem ein Gericht die Ergebnisse eines Misstrauensantrags gegen den amtierenden PM Ishmael Kalsakau , bestätigt hatte. Premierminister Kalsakau war im Amt seit November 2022.
New Developments on the Pacific Stage:
A happy event happened recently in Vanuatu, an island paradise in the Pacific. A key Supreme Court decision confirmed that the pro-Western Prime Minister lost the recent no-confidence vote. The atmosphere was excited as the votes were counted and the result announced. At the same time, a major United Nations General [...]
Relocation, who can advise me?
Do you dream of moving your residence abroad and are you looking for support and advice from an expert in this field? Then you are exactly right here! I have many years of experience in advising people who want to move their residence abroad and offer you tailor-made solutions for your [...]
reasons to get Residency in the Republic of Georgia
Residency & Citizenship by Investment Gaining Residency in Georgia: A Unique Path Perhaps the Republic of Georgia in the South Caucasus hasn't yet crossed your radar, but there exist numerous compelling incentives for pursuing residency within its borders. From a personal perspective, this nation holds a special place in my [...]
Malta residency – MPRP and MEIN Golden Visa programmes
Today we choose to bring Malta to you from a different perspective, that of a safe, soothing and wellness retirement haven for potential customers seeking such destination, whether in the short distance future or whether for a permanent or at interim intervals of more relaxed chapters in life. Different people at [...]
The future of Panama: investment residency vs self-solvency
Statistics show that foreigners focused on finding the best residency still choose Panama, but they are more inclined to choose self-solvency visas. Apparently, the future of Panama and its migration landscape may be changing soon, or may it not? GCI UNIT Worldwide analyses the current outlook of investment residency vs self-solvency [...]
Simplified Procedure for Acquiring Serbian Citizenship Jun 2023
Last year's plans to modernize the citizenship policy of the Republic of Serbia generated considerable interest. Despite high-level announcements of this possibility, our team of experts responded to numerous inquiries from customers and partners and underscored the importance of legal implementation of these measures. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that [...]
Singapore’s Global Investor Program (GIP) raises investment threshold significantly
Since 2004, Singapore has allowed global investors to obtain five-year residency status, which could be renewed by investing S$2.5 million (about US$1.86 million) in pro-business projects and businesses. This measure served to create jobs and stimulate the economy. Singapore is now announcing that it is drastically increasing the minimum investment amount [...]